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MVP development: fast launch, minimal risks

Our experienced product experts will work with you to develop a tailor-made MVP so that you can test your product idea on the market in a low-risk and cost-efficient manner.

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Gain valuable insights: Focus on MVP development

Developing a successful product costs a lot of time and money. Without early feedback remains a risk that you will miss out on the needs of future users – and lose your lead and capital as a result.

Developing an MVP allows us to quickly deliver a marketable version of your product. By addressing the user's most pressing problem, it provides us with valuable insights and feedback in the application, which can be used to maximize the value of further product development. The resulting return on investment reduces the cost of further product development.

With our technical expertise, agile methods and extensive market experience, we efficiently develop MVPs that:

  • Check market assumptions quickly and reliably

  • Optimally support your business goals

  • Greatly minimize your financial risk

Our services for your MVP development

Whether your organization is still at the beginning of its product development or you have already taken steps - we support you according to your needs. This is where we could start:

Consulting and strategy

Development of a clear vision for the product and identification of the core requirements for the MVP by means of user story mapping.

Agile development

Efficient development of the MVP in iterative cycles using agile methods. The aim is to react quickly to feedback and make continuous improvements.

User tests

With prototypes and click dummies, we validate solution approaches with real users at an early stage and enable the MVP to enter the market in the best possible way.

We customise our services to your needs

Not sure which of our services will best advance your project? No problem, our experts will be happy to advise you! Simply arrange a non-binding consultation appointment.

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Anneke Schmeer

Customer Success Managerin

Three good reasons to start with MVP development

You ensure that resources are used efficiently.

Developing a minimum viable product saves time and money, as only the most important functions are developed to solve your user's most important problems. This means that your resources are used in a targeted manner and unnecessary expenditure is avoided.

You get to the users faster.

An MVP enables you to enter the market quickly and gain initial users. This is crucial to gaining a competitive advantage, as you can achieve an early return on investment that finances the further development of the product. You also build up a user base quickly and early on, which provides you with valuable input for further development.

You minimize the risk of undesirable developments.

By obtaining real feedback from your users at an early stage, you avoid unnecessary investments in unsuitable functions. This allows you to make targeted adjustments to your product development and ensure that your development team is working on exactly the right features and functions.

It all started with an MVP

We have already supported several companies in the development of their MVP. And with great success! All of these MVPs have now developed into extensive and heavily used digital products.

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Fits, stays in place and has room!

TECSAFE produces organisation and transport inserts made of foam, for example for the tool industry. Customers plan the inserts themselves with the help of a photorealistic insert planner from brainbits.

View the Case Study

One goal, one product, one team.

Our teams work exclusively on one product. This allows them to dedicate all their experience, expertise and passion to one goal: developing the perfect digital product for your requirements.

Our aim is to understand your business comprehensively. This makes us a sparring partner at eye level who can present not only technically, but above all professionally suitable proposals and prioritize them together with you.

More about how we work

Software is never finished.

Software that is intended to make a decisive difference in the long term must constantly adapt. That is why we consistently work incrementally and iteratively.

The software is developed in regular cycles, with additional functions or improvements being added and released in each cycle. In this way, the product is continuously expanded and adapted to the needs of users. And because it is also constantly being used in its current form, we are constantly learning and can incorporate the knowledge gained directly into the next development steps.

Due to this approach, we cannot quote fixed prices. Patrick explains exactly why this is the case in his blog article below:

To the blog article “What does the project cost?"

Effective steps for MVP implementation at brainbits

Implementing an MVP requires careful planning and a structured approach to ensure that we really focus our development on the core needs of our target group. Here are the key steps we follow at brainbits to successfully implement your MVP.


Product vision

A clear vision is the foundation for every new product. It enables us to prioritize our work and deploy our resources in a targeted manner. We therefore attach great importance to a precise vision and support you in developing an exact idea of what is to be achieved and which target group is to be focused on.


User story mapping

Once we have clearly defined the vision, we create a user story map to determine the most important features of the solution to be developed. Our experienced product owners structure the user's path to solving their problem in the form of a user journey.


Prototyping und usability testing

We create a clickable prototype of the MVP based on the user story map. This allows us to visualize the concept and obtain feedback from potential users at an early stage. Through usability tests, we identify weaknesses and iteratively improve the product to ensure an optimal user experience.


Development and iteration

After the prototype's successful development, we begin with the actual development of the MVP. We implement the defined core functions in short development cycles in order to deliver a functioning product quickly. Through continuous iterations and feedback loops, the product is gradually optimized and adapted to changing requirements.

Our Way Of Working

Enjoying meaningful work is a prerequisite for sustained motivation and performance. We put our heart and soul into our clients every day to create something outstanding.

What's important to us

Our Tech-Stack

In our client projects, we rely on robust and sustainable technologies to ensure that the solutions remain viable in the long term. And: we always keep our finger on the pulse.

What we work with

What our customers say

/ 4

Ich bin begeistert von der Zusammenarbeit mit einem Anbieter, der nicht einfach nur unsere Anforderungen umsetzt, sondern auch aktiv an der Entwicklung unseres Produkts mitwirkt und sich in unser Business eindenkt. Das war für mich eine äußerst bereichernde Erfahrung. Und das Ergebnis – CRx – überzeugt auf ganzer Linie!

Sabrina Struth, Project Manager IT and Digitalization, Commerz Real AG

Gemeinsam mit brainbits haben wir die Messlatte für digitale Lösungen und damit für einfache Krankenkassenprozesse für GKV-Versicherte immer weiter angehoben. brainbits überzeugt uns Tag für Tag – durch Zuverlässigkeit, Expertise, Einsatz und Menschlichkeit.

Marion Winkler, Marketingleiterin, BIG direkt gesund

Dies können die wenigsten: Die spezifischen Probleme eines Kunden ergründen a) zu wollen und vor allem b) zu können. Und dann auch noch c) die vernünftigsten Lösungen anzubieten. brainbits kann das. Aus diesem Grund arbeiten wir sehr gerne und erfolgreich zusammen.

Rainer Mück, Product Owner Atlassian Applications in R&D, Software AG

Bereits seit 2004 betreut brainbits mit dem Online-Schaumkonfigurator das Herzstück unseres Wertschöpfungsprozesses. Dank der engen und vertrauensvollen Zusammenarbeit gelingt es uns immer wieder, innovative Ideen zu entwickeln. Bei brainbits geht es nicht nur um Bits und Bytes, sondern um die Verbindung zwischen Technologie & Menschlichkeit – eine Kombination, die Ergebnisse in Rekordzeit liefert.

Knut Hermes, Geschäftsführer, TECSAFE GmbH

Ich bin begeistert von der Zusammenarbeit mit einem Anbieter, der nicht einfach nur unsere Anforderungen umsetzt, sondern auch aktiv an der Entwicklung unseres Produkts mitwirkt und sich in unser Business eindenkt. Das war für mich eine äußerst bereichernde Erfahrung. Und das Ergebnis – CRx – überzeugt auf ganzer Linie!

Sabrina Struth, Project Manager IT and Digitalization, Commerz Real AG

Gemeinsam mit brainbits haben wir die Messlatte für digitale Lösungen und damit für einfache Krankenkassenprozesse für GKV-Versicherte immer weiter angehoben. brainbits überzeugt uns Tag für Tag – durch Zuverlässigkeit, Expertise, Einsatz und Menschlichkeit.

Marion Winkler, Marketingleiterin, BIG direkt gesund

Dies können die wenigsten: Die spezifischen Probleme eines Kunden ergründen a) zu wollen und vor allem b) zu können. Und dann auch noch c) die vernünftigsten Lösungen anzubieten. brainbits kann das. Aus diesem Grund arbeiten wir sehr gerne und erfolgreich zusammen.

Rainer Mück, Product Owner Atlassian Applications in R&D, Software AG

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Tecsafe Logo

A few answers to frequently asked questions:

Talk to our experts

Anneke Schmeer

Customer Success Managerin

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