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Code audit: zero chance for software vulnerabilities

Our experienced software architects examine your code base and identify weaknesses and optimization potential - for long-term stable and secure software.

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Better performance and security – thanks to Code Audit

Customized software is the engine of many companies: Whether ERP system, customer portal or production control system – technical problems can have serious consequences. This is because code quality not only affects the performance of an application, but also its security, expandability and scalability.

With a Code Audit, you use the know-how of our experts to check business-critical applications for vulnerabilities and inefficiencies.

We'll show you exactly how your code is doing

We provide you with a clear report that shows how your code should be adapted so that it does not slow down growth or pose a security risk. And if you wish, we can also take care of fixing the issues we find.

Our software architects have already audited dozens of code bases and will be happy to help you as well:

  • Eliminate security vulnerabilities and strengthen system security

  • Ensure improved efficiency and speed of the code

  • Comply with all relevant standards and regulations

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Our services for better code quality

A Code Audit is time-consuming. Because you may only want to have one specific aspect audited, we have opted for a modular model: You decide flexibly whether we take a close look at individual or all aspects of your code.

Code analysis

Detailed examination of the source code to identify errors, weak points and inefficient structures.

Safety Audit

Systematic check for security gaps and vulnerabilities, followed by targeted recommendations for remediation.

Performance optimization

Analyzing and improving code performance to increase efficiency and reduce loading times and resource consumption.

Compliance check

Checking the source code for compliance with relevant industry standards and legal regulations to ensure conformity.

We customise our services to your needs

Not sure which of our services will best advance your project? No problem, our experts will be happy to advise you! Simply arrange a non-binding consultation appointment.

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Anneke Schmeer

Customer Success Managerin

Three good reasons for a professional Code Audit

You increase the security of your organization.

By identifying and fixing potential security vulnerabilities, you make your code more resistant to attacks and data breaches. You improve the protection of your digital company assets and the security of user data.

You improve the performance of your software.

Optimizing your code leads to faster loading times and more efficient execution of functions. This means an improved response speed of the software and an overall better user experience.

You optimize the reliability and stability of your applications.

Carefully tested and optimized code significantly reduces the risk of malfunctions and crashes. Your software becomes more reliable, which increases operational stability and lowers maintenance costs.

How we perform your code audit

Thorough in analysis, efficient in execution: you can rely on this with every one of our code audits. We work according to a proven process. The most important milestones:



We start with a joint kick-off. In this meeting, we clarify your goals and requirements. We want to understand exactly what you expect from the code audit, which areas of the software are particularly important and what specific challenges you see. This meeting helps us to tailor the audit process to your needs and create a clear roadmap.



Our experienced team dives deep into your code base. We systematically search for errors, vulnerabilities and inefficient areas. Depending on the agreement, we use proven methods and tools to examine all relevant aspects of the code: security, architecture, testing, performance, infrastructure and interfaces. The aim is to obtain a clear picture of the current code quality and to identify specific problem areas.


Safety check

In this step, we focus specifically on the security of your software. We examine the code for known and unknown security vulnerabilities that could provide attackers with opportunities to penetrate your system. Our experts assess the severity of the security issues found and create a priority list so that you know which gaps should be closed first.


Final report and action planning

Based on the code analysis, we develop specific optimization proposals. These include measures to increase performance, eliminate security vulnerabilities and generally improve code quality. You will receive a detailed report summarizing all analyses and recommendations. We also prioritize the measures so that you can see what needs to be done most urgently. You now know exactly what steps need to be taken next.


Implementation support

We are happy to help you implement the proposed measures. Our experts will work closely with your team to implement the improvements quickly and efficiently. We make sure that the changes fit seamlessly into the existing system and that no new problems arise.

If you have an in-house development team, we also offer knowledge transfer on best practices, typing, SOLID, unit tests, functional tests and modularization on request.

Frequently requested technologies


Symfony Code Audit

A Symfony Code Audit checks the quality and security of an application developed with Symfony. The project structure, code quality, security risks and performance problems are examined. The correct and secure integration of extensions and the up-to-dateness of the libraries used are also checked.



A PHP Code Audit evaluates the PHP code of an application to uncover vulnerabilities, security issues and performance bottlenecks. The process includes checking the coding, security vulnerabilities and the efficiency of database queries. The aim is to make the application more secure and more efficient.


React Audit

A React Code Audit analyzes a React application for quality and efficiency. The focus is on checking the component structure, the use of hooks and compliance with best practices. Security gaps and performance problems are identified and rectified. The use and up-to-dateness of libraries is also checked.


Angular Audit

An Angular Code Audit checks an application developed with Angular for quality and security. The audit process includes checking the arrangement of the modules, the use of Angular-specific features and compliance with best practices. Security risks and performance issues are analyzed and resolved to ensure the efficiency and security of the application.

What our customers say

/ 4

Ich bin begeistert von der Zusammenarbeit mit einem Anbieter, der nicht einfach nur unsere Anforderungen umsetzt, sondern auch aktiv an der Entwicklung unseres Produkts mitwirkt und sich in unser Business eindenkt. Das war für mich eine äußerst bereichernde Erfahrung. Und das Ergebnis – CRx – überzeugt auf ganzer Linie!

Sabrina Struth, Project Manager IT and Digitalization, Commerz Real AG

Gemeinsam mit brainbits haben wir die Messlatte für digitale Lösungen und damit für einfache Krankenkassenprozesse für GKV-Versicherte immer weiter angehoben. brainbits überzeugt uns Tag für Tag – durch Zuverlässigkeit, Expertise, Einsatz und Menschlichkeit.

Marion Winkler, Marketingleiterin, BIG direkt gesund

Dies können die wenigsten: Die spezifischen Probleme eines Kunden ergründen a) zu wollen und vor allem b) zu können. Und dann auch noch c) die vernünftigsten Lösungen anzubieten. brainbits kann das. Aus diesem Grund arbeiten wir sehr gerne und erfolgreich zusammen.

Rainer Mück, Product Owner Atlassian Applications in R&D, Software AG

Bereits seit 2004 betreut brainbits mit dem Online-Schaumkonfigurator das Herzstück unseres Wertschöpfungsprozesses. Dank der engen und vertrauensvollen Zusammenarbeit gelingt es uns immer wieder, innovative Ideen zu entwickeln. Bei brainbits geht es nicht nur um Bits und Bytes, sondern um die Verbindung zwischen Technologie & Menschlichkeit – eine Kombination, die Ergebnisse in Rekordzeit liefert.

Knut Hermes, Geschäftsführer, TECSAFE GmbH

Ich bin begeistert von der Zusammenarbeit mit einem Anbieter, der nicht einfach nur unsere Anforderungen umsetzt, sondern auch aktiv an der Entwicklung unseres Produkts mitwirkt und sich in unser Business eindenkt. Das war für mich eine äußerst bereichernde Erfahrung. Und das Ergebnis – CRx – überzeugt auf ganzer Linie!

Sabrina Struth, Project Manager IT and Digitalization, Commerz Real AG

Gemeinsam mit brainbits haben wir die Messlatte für digitale Lösungen und damit für einfache Krankenkassenprozesse für GKV-Versicherte immer weiter angehoben. brainbits überzeugt uns Tag für Tag – durch Zuverlässigkeit, Expertise, Einsatz und Menschlichkeit.

Marion Winkler, Marketingleiterin, BIG direkt gesund

Dies können die wenigsten: Die spezifischen Probleme eines Kunden ergründen a) zu wollen und vor allem b) zu können. Und dann auch noch c) die vernünftigsten Lösungen anzubieten. brainbits kann das. Aus diesem Grund arbeiten wir sehr gerne und erfolgreich zusammen.

Rainer Mück, Product Owner Atlassian Applications in R&D, Software AG

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Our Way Of Working

Enjoying meaningful work is a prerequisite for sustained motivation and performance. We put our heart and soul into our clients every day to create something outstanding.

What's important to us

Our Tech-Stack

In our client projects, we rely on robust and sustainable technologies to ensure that the solutions remain viable in the long term. And: we always keep our finger on the pulse.

What we work with

A few answers to questions we often receive:

Talk to our experts

Anneke Schmeer

Customer Success Managerin

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Full service for digital solutions

Everything you need to build really good digital solutions: